Monday, December 10, 2007

Putnam County- Obituaries

Obituaries offer interesting insight and clues into our relatives lives. The quality of the obituaries though varies. We all hope to find that wonderfully detailed obit, but are disappointed when we find it and it is just two lines long. Putnam County has many newspapers to consult to find the obit for your relative.

The primary location for the newspapers in the area are at the library in Ft Jennings. Please check out my posting from a week ago this past Friday when I did the overview on the resources at the library and you will find a list of newspaper. Include is the time period of publication. Remember again the accuracy of the obit is only as good as the person giving the information and the writer.

Another excellent resource for obit search is at the Hayes Library in Fremont. Here is the link to their site.

RB Hayes Obituary Index

This will help in narrowing down your ancestors obit publication date and the newspaper.

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