Thursday, November 01, 2007

Migration- The Black Swamp

I had a request from one of the readers for a map outlining the boundaries of the Black Swamp. As you can see it covered the majority of the area we know as Northwest Ohio. You can also see the natural barrier it posed to migration into this area. This swamp was like the ones that we still have in the southern portion of the United States. It was not conducive to migration or habitation. It was not until the 1840's that the area really became drained.

I would like to thank all of you for your support in this first week of my blog. From the responses I am getting it looks like it is helpful. In the future I will be including a variety of subjects and will try to stay on a main topic. Please let me know if you have topics related to Northwest Ohio you would like me to cover. Also be sure to pass this link on to others that you feel would have interest in this subject. Thank you again for your support.

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